We are proud to have received a recognition by the prize committee of this year’s “Dr.-Rudolf-Eberle-Preis”, the Innovation Award of the State of Baden-Württemberg. With our digital reporting system for political risks, we managed to secure the second place in the startup-category of the statewide competition. The award ceremony took place on the 28th of November in the “House of Economy” in Stuttgart under the auspices of Frau Dr. Hoffmeister-Kraut, state minister for economic affairs. We are thankful for the honor and the inspiring ceremony.

We were very pleased to receive the advancement prize of the Genossenschaftlichen FinanzGruppe Volks- und Raiffeisenbanken, which is endowed with 10.000€. CONIAS is again rewarded for its innovative software solutions that help decision-makers reliably identifying political risks worldwide. The award ceremony was held in presence of 1500 guests at the "VR-Mittelstandstag 2017", which took place at the Festival Hall in Baden-Baden on the 22nd of June.

THINK. INNOVATION. – guided by this slogan, several thousand companies had applied for the innovation award IT 2016 and faced the judgement of the expert jury.
CONIAS Risk Intelligence placed among the best of the “Initiative Mittelstand” award “Innovationspreis-IT 2016” in the category consulting. The jury acknowledged the results and expertise of CONIAS in the field of political risk assessment and the validity and robustness of both the technology and methodology of our risk assessment models.

TechFounders is a 20-week international accelerator program based in Munich, Germany. The accelerator brings tech startups together with industry partners and venture capitalists. During this accelerator program, we had the chance to cooperate with one of the industry partners helping us develop our business. We also had access to hardware prototypes, data, and APIs in order to test and improve our products. The program took place between mid of January till the beginning of June 2016 and was rewarded with EUR 25,000.00. We are particularly happy about the opportunity to cooperate with Munich Re beyond the accelerator.

CONIAS Risk Intelligence has been awarded with the MEXI 2016 in the category services at the 5th economic forum of the city of Mannheim on 16.11.2015. The award, which is endowed with EUR 10,000.00, was sponsored by DATIS IT-Services GmbH and was handed over by the business mayor Michael Grötsch in front of more than 200 guests. The Mannheim startup prize is awarded to the most promising startups of the last three years in three different categories. Besides a professional planning and strict market orientation, the winners are characterized by a successful market entry strategy and offer products or services for growth markets. The objective of the award is to honor the “calculated courage” of the winners and to provide a seal of approval for their future development. The laureates are chosen by an independent jury.

As a young and innovative enterprise, CONIAS is sponsored by the “Invest” program of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). The objective of the program is to create incentives for private investors to provide private venture capital for enterprises, improving the financial conditions of young and innovative startups.

For two times, CONIAS Risk Intelligence was placed among the 30 most innovative research startups worldwide by the Falling Walls Foundation and also received a scholarship in this context.
Falling Walls is a unique international platform for leaders from the worlds of science, business, politics, the arts and society. It was initiated on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall. Inspired by this world-changing event on the 9th of November 1989, the question of every Falling Walls gathering is: Which walls will fall next? Falling Walls fosters discussion on research and innovation and promotes the latest scientific findings among a broad audience from all parts of society. The Falling Walls Foundation, a charity, is generously supported by the German Ministry for Education and Research, the Robert Bosch Stiftung, the Helmholtz Association, the Berlin Senate, and numerous other acclaimed academic institutions, foundations, companies, non-governmental organisations, and prominent individuals.

EXIST is a support program of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi), supporting CONIAS Risk Intelligence financially since January 1, 2013.