Employers attach more and more importance to safety and security during business travel for their employees and take their Duty of Care seriously. However, while most travelers would welcome a proactive and well-informed safety management, they rarely see their company up for the task. Hence, those who care, advise and look after their own employees in business and even private travel, benefit in return from reputational gains and can make safety a clear advantage in the competition for the brightest minds and talent.
Our DATA-Driven Solutions
- always up to date, worldwide, easy to understand
Our clients benefit from our data-driven, interdisciplinary, and comprehensive research approach on travel and site security assessments. We combine regional and academic top-level expertise with easy-to-use and easy-to-understand data tools and analyzes, evaluations and workshops tailored to your own needs and processes. Get in touch with us today and benefit from many years of experience in research, analysis and consulting!
Using our solutions, you can find out with one click,
- Whether, to what extent and where employees of your company can travel safely within any country of interest - especially when it comes to first visits and delegation trips
- How to assess the current security situation at production and supplier locations as well as important traffic junctions
- Which could be safe zones for employees in case of a crisis and alternative routes that have remained uninterrupted so far.
What you WON’T find in our Toolbox? A Glass Bowl
We work with a wide range of forecasting and scenario building methods. Still, we cannot predict exactly when an attack or the escalation of peaceful protests will happen exactly at a particular place. However, our unique, award-winning and constantly evolved analytical approach combines
- An in-depth assessment all of a country's active and historical conflicts – worldwide. Our database includes more than 1,800 political disputes between and within states as well as those that are no longer (or not yet) violent.
- A specific calculation of the actual security risk at the sub-national level - because stability is seldom evenly distributed in the country - as well as valid expectation values for the future.
Use Case: Safe Travels - Making the Most out of a Stopover
When traveling for business or pleasure, you can often find cheaper fares if you choose a connecting or even stopover flight. In many cases especially for longer distances, there is no non-stop option in the first place. Travelers can make the most out of this now and benefit from steadily growing dining, shopping opportunities as well as the chance to pay a short visit to the city center. This is especially the case as also political conditions are improving – several states have started to offer stopover visa – and many airlines advertise stopovers with free accommodation and sightseeing tours.
In order to benefit from this trend, being it as a traveler or service provider, you need to be aware of the security situation on the ground as well – before you go aboard! This is especially the case as the ten fastest growing airports of the past decade are to be found in countries outside of the Western Hemisphere, where political conditions are not always stable and can be unpredictable.
We have assessed political stability and risk at the 30 busiest airports worldwide – and it becomes clear that physical safety and passenger volume go along quite well. You want to know, how the other 18,000 commercial airports pass our test? Then get in touch with us today an find out more about our layover safety solutions.

For Travelers: Play it safe at the stopover
Your employees tend to travel frequently and over wide distances - and not just for business? Your understanding of a Duty of Care goes beyond knowing the mere destination of your team members? You would like to make use of cheaper air fare due to stopovers and combine them with a sightseeing or shopping tour? You would like to receive a preliminary assessment of the security situation on the ground? Get in touch with us today and optimize your travel management system! We evaluate locations worldwide without blind spots and gaps - systematically, independent and on the basis of up-to-date and specially collected data. |
For companies: Make sure your location advantage!
You are looking for investors and business partners for your airport and non-aviation business? You want to attract new customers and increase the volume of passengers at your site? You want to provide your customers with a wider range of affordable options and expand your network by adding new, yet secure destinations to your network? Get in touch with us today and receive from us a free and exclusive location safety assessment! We evaluate sites worldwide without blind spots and gaps - systematically, independent and on the basis of up-to-date and specially collected data. |