Risk Report Morocco

Risk Report Morocco

Risk Report Morocco

In the at times turbulent MENA region, the Kingdom of Morocco is seen as an anchor of stability. King Mohammed VI. rules the country since 1999 and managed to outlast the Arab Spring through (superficial) reforms. Morocco, the sixth largest economy in Africa, is considered to be an important partner of the European Union in matters of economic, security, and migration policy cooperation, especially given its thriving agricultural sector. In 2017, Morocco managed not only to accelerate economic growth, but has also been named as the first regional partner of the G20 “Compact with Africa”. As still too many high skilled Moroccans leave the country to seek employment in Europe, and in order to make better use of its great economic potential, Morocco needs to implement much needed reforms in a quick yet sustainable way.

Autor: Michael Hebeisen
Veröffentlichung: August 2018

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